Wednesday, April 11, 2018

4.11.18 Wednesday Green Cove Springs Fla

Well here we are one more day in the rather dump of a place to stay!!! Lol it’s not really a marina it’s a boatyard for repairs. So ther is junk everywhere!! As it is I stayed aboard the boat all day. We are hooked to a mooring ball out in the cove, so I felt pretty safe while Rod was gone into town to pick up the needed water pump for our generator. You know Rod he made sure my gun was close by me and easily assessable if needed!! Ha
While he was gone for 2 hours I cleaned our bathroom and bedroom, cleaned the kitchen and picked up and put things in place!! What else can you do without any power!! Ha 
The sun was out and beautiful today so I spent a big part of the morning on the back deck reading. Rod did boil water on the propane grill and made me some instant hot chocolate. Not had coffee for the last 2 mornings!! But I will tomorrow!!! The part we ordered did not arrive until 1:30. Rod had went downtown to the part store where it was to be delivered around 11am. He enjoyed the time with the owner of the store. 
He surprised me with a ham,chicken, and roast beef sub from a deli he found on the way back Larry’s Giant Subs!!  That puppy filled us both up!!! Lol
In right at 1 hour generator was purring like a kitten!!  Power is a necessity of life!! Ha
I made spaghetti for supper!!! Yummy!!!!
Just to late to start out this evening (although Rod was ready to go) we relaxed after supper other than getting the bike and dinghy loaded back on the boat. Dishes washed and now ready for bed. 
Lexie had a good day but kept wondering why the dinghy was leaving and she was not on it!!! Lol
She thinks if the dinghy leaves it is for her and her only! Ha
Overall it was a good day and I’m thankful for my great mechanic!!  
We plan to leave here 6:30am. Plans are to make it to Fernandino Beach to anchor,tomorrow,(Thursday) night..
Please continue to pray for a safe journey for us!! 
Love to all, Ms. Fran & Cap’n Rod 
I’ll try and get pics to load tomorrow!!😢 I can’t get them to download!!!😝

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