Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2/18/2014 Tuesday

Good evening to all!!!! Well officially as of this afternoon we have decided to not make another extended stop till we reach HOME.!!!!  We left Savannah this afternoon about 2:30 pm as we had some plans before leaving today!!  We got up early and again walked through this beautiful town one more time before we were to meet Ken and Michelle our sailboat friends on Scalleywag. The weather today could not have been better to be out with just a light shirt on. I think is was about 74 degrees. We had not been by the Paula Deen store and restaurant so we stopped in!!!  To my surprise there was not Paula but the oldest son Jamie!!! I shopped and Rodney stood and talked to him for probably an hour. Jamie and his family love the MB area and want to return to spend some time in Georgetown and with us!!!  Yea!!!  Such a great guy ( and of course I do have a pic with him) and he signed his recipe book I purchased for me!!! We wanted to stay and eat but we already had plans with friends. We then discovered just down the street from there a Tervis outlet !!!! WooWhoo!!! I found some neat glasses!!!! I was so excited with my finds!! 
We went back and met Ken and Michelle at Spanky's for lunch, spent some great "friend time" with them. Full and happy we untied the boat and headed  up river.  We traveled till about 5pm and found a great anchor spot just about Hilton Head Island for the night. We have just rested and had dinner and ready for bed soon. Rod wants to leave here by 6:30am in the morning to catch the rising tide through the big sound Port Royal !!!  It's about 12 miles wide. Rising tide means calm waters and I like that!!!!
Really kind of getting excited to get home again. I am also excited about seeing the grandkids soon, it's been too long!!! 
Hope you will have some good weather in Georgetown when we arrive! and NO ice please!!!
Love to all, As always I ask for prayer and safe travels for us these last few days!!!
Ms. Fran and Capt Rod 

Walking through a park this morning found this newly flowering Tulip Tree!!! I'm ready for spring!!

Me and Jamie Deen !!! I was so excited !!! Such a great guy!!! 

First time for me in a Tervis outlet !!!  Soooo many glasses and cups to choose from!!!

Lunch at Spanky's with Ken and Michelle!!!  They have a Beagle named Lucy that Lexie loves to play with when they were in Georgetown last year!! They will be up to visit this summer. Always good to see some BBF's (best boater friends)

My treasures I found at the Paula Deen store!!!! Don't you just love the Tshirt? "Put some South in your Mouth" I could not resist!!! 

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