Thursday, December 15, 2016

12/15/16 Thursday Titusville, Fla

We woke this morning to much different weather than yesterday!! Wind blowing 25-30mph and 65 degrees! What a difference from yesterday! It was 85 degrees and sunny and no wind! We were just glad we were not traveling and having to anchor out in this kind of wind!! ROd was going to wash the boat but just not able to do that chore, so he cleaned out my dryer vent so I could do laundry! That took most of the morning. I cleaned house he did some small chores as we had to get ready for meeting Paula and Jim for lunch and some shopping time at the Walmart!! Mainly just some great time together since we have not seeen them since they left Georgetown in October. We all decided on a favorite restaurant New York New York a small local restaurant that we had eaten at before that has a special meal we only eat there!! Chicken gizzards!!!! Yep that's right I said chicken gizzards!! Lol
I would never eat them anywhere else! Ha  after a Walmart stop, we came back to our boat and enjoyed coffee and some good catching up with each other!! Great to see my BBF again (best boater friend)!!! The rest of the evening Rod and I watched movies and just relaxed!! Even at a dock this evening we still are rocking A LOT!!! Just very thankful we are not anchored out on the water!! We are hoping for a better day tomorrow, got some things planned to do!!
No pics to share to day as pics of cleaning and laundry are just not fun!! Lol We were talking so much I wished I had taken a pic of the restaurant!! 😖
Much love to all!! Ms. Fran & Capn Rod

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