Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 12&13 Friday & Saturday 1/10&11/2014

 Good Evening my Friends and Family!!! Again got busy yesterday evening and did not blog, so thought I would include both days!! Yesterday we had a beautiful day of sunshine and 80 degree weather!! We decided to give up cleaning and repairs and take off on our bicycle. We cruised down several of the streets and saw many of the old homes here in Sanford ate some lunch at a cute little downtown restaurant, enjoyed an Italian Stromboli. We walked through some antique shops and found a popcorn shop that had gourmet popcorn (to me all popcorn is gourmet) Ha  I bought a bag of popcorn puffs, and some chocolate and Carmel popcorn, a real treat!!!! We enjoyed Paula's first attempt at pulled pork in her crockpot for dinner! it was yummy!! We completed our list of all we wanted to take with us to the color run and went to bed early as we needed to leave for Orlando by 6am!!!!! 
Some how on Thursday Rod injured his hip and last evening that pain came to full force. So with lots of Tylenol and some Percocet he finally was able to get a little rest. Still giving him issues today!!!
We left this morning 6am and arrived in Orlando about 8 am as we picked up another one of our group on the way. Our group "Who let The Girls Out!!!"  5 of us total arrived at the civic center in Orlando along with, looked like, 3000 others!!!  They all looked about as gaudy and tacky as we did!! I have included several pics I took, and will receive the other girls sometime later so I will be sharing some more of these later this weekend. We walked the 3.5 miles although many that were behind us when we started the run was in front of us when we crossed the finish line!, Ha. I think there was about 15-20 people behind us!!Ha.  Slow walkers but we had a blast!!
We looked pretty good when we started the race but was covered in Yellow, Blue, Purple, and Pink colored powder when we finished. you just know there is no way it will all come off. But back home, a nice scrubbing shower, and poof it was down the drain. I had to take a nap after that !!!!!
OK so what did Rodney do while I was gone?? Besides nursing that bad hip, he and Jim installed some incredible florescent lights in the kitchen!!!!  Aways been poor lighting in the kitchen, but I had gotten use to it!!   WOW what a difference!!! I have attached a pic!!!
Oh and the weather today could not have been better. Sun with some clouds, lite breeze, 82 degrees!!! 
We are having a thunder storm at the present, it's suppose to pass on through in a couple of hours!!
I will be in bed early tonight to try and catch up on some sleep. 
We continue to enjoy being snowbirds!!!  Still got a list of things to do before we head back to Georgetown!!! 
I ask for prayers for Rodney hip, he does not whin so I know it is very painful and really keeping him down!!!  Love to all, Ms. Fran and Capt Rod 
Pics!!!! Attached 

If the city can give away free car chargers, what can't we get some free gas??? These are all over town!!!

Sanford has these all over town!! Free 2 hour car chargers!!!!

You know me and Popcorn!!! it's my favorite food!!! They had every flavor under the sun!!!

This is how I started out the walk!! I thought we were bazaar!  But you should have sent all the different outfits!!  

Paula !!!  She sported her first hand made tutu!!!! We were a pair!!!!

Standing at the staring line!! When the race started it took 35 minutes before we took off!! there was a lot of people ahead of us and another large group behind!!  I am sure there was 2-3000 people!!! Or it looked like it anyway!!,  Ha 

Paula after the first color station of yellow!!! I will have my shots she took of me for you tomorrow!!

Here we are at the finish line!!,  What  a mess!!!  Havin fun!!!!
I took 52 pics today !!! I will have more to share later!!!

NEW LIGHTS IN MY KITCHEN!!!! May not look like much, but it is a thousand percent improved!!
So nice to have a handy man!!!!  He's a keeper!!!!!

1 comment:

Island Gypsy said...

BL says you girls look like you are dressed up to blind most men. And he wants to know if Rodney's hip injury is the result of the Conga or some other dance involving the pelvis. Hehe
We enjoy reading your blog and we're glad you're enjoying your trip!