Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 8 Monday 1/6/2014

This was our first full day here in Sanford at Monroe Harbor!! This morning I did not get up til 7:15 am!!
Rod had coffee waiting as usual !!  It was wonderful!!!! I dressed in shorts and a long sleeve shirt temp was 70 and a little windy!! Rod and I took Lexie for a nice long walk on the boardwalk! coffee in hand!!!  Beautiful morning!
Paula and I set out for some groceries and needed items ( material for tutu's) and by the time we got home it was 45 degrees and windy!!! We were frozen!!! Tomorrow the high is supposes to be 42!!! 
back into sweatpants, thermals, and sweatshirts!!! But I heard by Thursday it will be in the high 70's.
I'm ready for that !!!!
Rod did some maintance today and got a few things accomplished. other than that we enjoyed Chicken Bog with Paula and Jim and now cuddled up with my snuggie keeping warm!!!  FaceTime with my sweet grand kids and Sherry was a true highlight this evening as I miss them so much!!! 
Praying for warmer weather as it is Florida, and NOT suppose to be this cold!!
Love to all, so sorry no pics today but promise I will have some soon!!!  Ms. Fran and Capt Rod 

1 comment:

Norma said...

So sorry the Artic Vortez hit you. Terrible cold, isn't it? It got so cold here last night (16*) that the cabin door was frozen shut. It should warm up for you soon. But in the meantime, so glad you had your thermals!! Turn up the heaters, make a hot cup of coffee and snuggle in! Give Rodney a hug, pat Lexie on the head... or vis versa which ever is most appropriate. hehe Norma