Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 7 Sunday 1/5/2014

What a beautiful day which started out about 7:15 pulling up anchor, I mean Rod actually bare handed pulling up the 100 ft of chain and the 50 lb anchor!!! As you may have read yesterday the anchor motor quit working!!! I could not resist taking a picture of the georgeous sunrise!!! (Its attached)
The St John's River along with Lake George just continues to surprise us with some awesome views that no picture could ever capture!! I have attached a few. 
At 2pm we arrived at Monroe Harbor in Sanford, Fla. 92 degrees and sunny!!  THIS is a January to remember!!  I love summertime in January !  Ha 
Paula and Jim met us at our dock space (under a shed no less) and helped us get docked and water and power restored to the boat. Lexie got a nice walk for about 1/2 mile down the park right beside of the Marina. She really enjoyed that time on land!!! 
After Clean up and getting everything put away, we showered and dressed up in our shorts and summer shirts, and flip flops and went to eat Mexican to celebrate Paula's birthday!! 
We had a great time and discussed how much we had missed each other and made plans for things to do while here in Sanford. 
A trip for groceries is in order for tomorrow, along with purshasing tuiille for making a Tutu ( I will share more on that later in the week) and Rod will be washing the boat as you can see in the pictures attached we really have a bad "ICW Mustache" on the front of the boat! At the water line, if you see any boat with one of these that is what it is called!!, Ha 
Paula took pictures of our arrival in the Marina and sent them to me to share!!
We have had a great day and a week of travel to remember!! God has had His hand on us the entire week!!!! For that we say THANK YOU LORD!!!!
Love to all, and I will try to keep this updated everyday but if I happen to miss a day, I will catch up on our adventures!!!! Thanks for reading and sharing this wonderful experience with us, Ms. Fran and Capt Rod 
The sunrise at our anchorage as we were leaving this morning!,

The picture just don't do justice to this view, nor can you see ALL the manatee around the boat !

You can not believe all the manatee swimming just below the water!! Wish they coud be seen!!!

Another view from the boat!!!  Looks like Georgetown, the temperature tells me it is not!!!

The thermal under wear have been packed up, and shorts have replaced them.  Wintertime in Florida!!!
You got to love it!!!!
Coming into Marina for dockage at Monroe Harbor Marina (pictues thanks to Paula). See that waterway mustache?? Takes Clorox to remove it!!!

With a birthday desert !! Paula had to wear the restaurants birthday hat!!! Too funny!!!

Good dinner and good time spent with our BBF's. (Best boater friends)

1 comment:

Island Gypsy said...

Mantees, 92* and flip flops... are you in paradise or what! Enjoy your adventure.