Sunday, December 14, 2014

12/14/14 Sunday Jekyll Harbor Marina

Our last day at Jekyll Island!!!!! Got up this morning, did bible study, had coffee and orange cinnamon  rolls, and discovered that Rod had spoke to a guys yesterday afternoon about coming to clean the bottom of the boat. That's a maintenance thing you have to do about 2 times a year to keep all the barnacles and crud off the bottom. He said we should have better speed than we have had the last 4 days of travel and felt that may be the issue. This guy was to come at 8am, but called and said he was running behind an hour or so. We thought ok no issue, I wanted to finish laundry change sheets on bed, Vaccum and all that good stuff. He wanted to wash the windows and scrub walkways. Figuring we could go for a bike ride around noon! OK sooooo this guy shows up at 3pm!!!! Lots of cleaning got done needless to say!! Ha  the guy takes a look and said the bottom was clean but drive shafts and propellers were awful !!! Also the zincs had to be replace that prevents the barnacles from forming. 
 2 1/2 hours and $300.00 later it was completed!!!! To late to go bike riding now. But Rod was very glad to get it done. 
Talk to some guys here as they went by the boat and they said they were playing music up at the restaurant about 6pm or so and invited us up!! So a shower later, as we had eaten left over chili earlier, we decided to go check out the music and have an appetizer. They were a group of people that had met here, never seen each other before today, just decided to have a 70s jam session!! Wow what musical talent!! 2 guitars, harmonica, trombone, and 2 Ukalaylies !! (Hope thats spelled correct!!ha) singing and harmony was incredible!! Too much fun! I posted some pics!!
We have the boat all ready for take off 7am tomorrow morning. 2 miles to the St Andrews Sound the dreaded body of water ALL boaters HATE to cross!!! We have been across 4 other times going down and back, and one time everything in the boat turned over it was so rough. The last 3 times have been good. But just one bad trip across will teach you it is one trip too many Ha !!!!! We have calculated the tide and it shows be falling and the wind is calm, so we should be ok!!! If not, we will turn around and wait till another time of day!!! We enter the state of Florida tomorrow just as we cross over the sound!!!  Florida here we come!!!! I'm ready to ride again been sitting long enough although we have enjoyed the island here!! 
On the road again!!! Thanks for keeping our safe travels in your prayers!!!!
Love to all, Fran and Capt Rod

Singing boaters!! They just met today!! All of them had a tremendous amount of musical knowledge.

This gentleman could play a trombone!!! This was not his first rodeo!!!


This lady could sing and play that thing well!! You could tell she had played a long time!!,

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