Monday, December 22, 2014

12/21/14 Sunday Titusville, Fla

Had a grand day with all of Jim and Paula's family at their Family Christmas cookout!! Jim came and picked us up around 9:30 this morning and we went to Sanford Fla, where went last year and docked with them for 6 weeks!!!
They had reserved a picnic shelter there across from the marina where everyone met and cooked hamburgers, home made white chili. Lots of extras and many deserts!!! We exchanged gifts, Paula gave me 2 bottles of gourmet olive oil Tuscan Herb and Garlic infused !!! Yummy!!! She knew how much I would enjoy those!!! 
Rain was on the way so they brought us back to the boat, 45 minute drive from their marina, and we got here just in time for the downpour!!! Hope it's gone by the morning as we plan to untie and take off heading south around 7am if all goes as planned. 
A fun day but hard to say goodbye to dear friends!! We will see them again as we head back north in about 6 weeks!!!
Hope all is doing well and ready for Christmas!!! 
Much love to all, Fran and Capt Rod

Every one in the Spence family with a few good friends!! We have been adopted into the family!!!

Our BBF's. Best Boater Friends!!!

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