Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/17/14 Wednesday Titusville, Fla

OK, so I forgot to set the alarm last night!!!  Oops! We woke up at 7am and just had so say only an hour late!, ha ha!! Sure felt good to have that extra sleep!!
We left the anchorage south of Daytona around 8am and traveled our short distance to Titusville Marina around 1:30 or so. Went ahead and fueled up the boat ( we don't really want to have to buy fuel in the keys, much more expensive)!!! 
We got the boat docked, took Lexie for a nice long walk,  showered, and got on the bike and ride downtown. Chose a Burger King and feasted on a whopper and fries!! We needed the splurge!!! Hehe
Rode a few blocks for some exercise found a park that has a festival of light show but it was closed!!  We found out it is Open only Thur- Sun !!   I was kind of glad as I really would like to have a camera when we go!!
We contacted Paula and Jim, they will drive over tomorrow after Jim has an MRI on his knee. Surgery probably coming up for him!!! Shopping time with Paula tomorrow!!!   I will have a camera tomorrow !!!
We saw several things today and sooooo hated I was not able to get good pics!! I did get a few with our IPhones that I will post!! The Dolphins were playing all day in the wake of our boat!! It was a hot day close to 85 degrees most of the day but the evening bike ride back home was a bit cold since we did have on shorts and a Tshirt. 
So glad to be here and see our friends for a few days before heading on south!  And we also learned a missile launch will take place ove at Cape Canaveral on Friday at 2pm!!! Excited to see that!! Our dock is only about 5 miles away from the launch pad so we should be able to see it well !!!!
I hope all is ready for Christmas as it is arriving soon!! Only a few more shopping day left!!! So glad mine is done!! And delivered!!!
Merry Christmas to all, we love each if you!!!  Fran and Capt Rod

Mama and her young!!! Rod said the little one was probably 2 years old!! They stay with their Mom for a couple of years!

This one surfed with us for a good 5 minutes!!  Beautiful animals!!!

Rod found this picture he took a few days ago! This was the wild horses we saw back in St Augustine on an island! Not a good pic but best we were able to get!! What a time for a broken camera!!!

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