Wednesday, January 25, 2017

1/25/17 Wednesday Sanford Fla

Another beautiful day in sunny Florida!! 78 degrees little to no wind, what more could I ask for!! Lol
Today was spa and grooming day for Lexie so Paula and I took her at 10am this morning. Park Paws Place groomers her every year when we are here in Sanford! She looked and smelled so good when we picked her up!! ( pic to follow).
We made a quick trip to Walmart for a few things of which I found some great looking sirlions for supper this evening!
We rode with Paula and Jim to the new house to deliver a few items Paula is gathering from her boat that can go to the house. It's got to be hard to live in 2 places at once!! They have not made the complete move still need a few more thing done and furniture before the full move takes place,
We stopped and picked up Lexie from the groomer on the way back to the boat. Rod did some fishing  for awhile, but not much luck, I think he may have caught 2-3 fish!
Rod grilled us the great sirilons for supper while I made salads and a baked potato. (Actually I put the potatoes in the crockpot for baking earlier today) a yummy supper!!!
Rest and a movie this evening, shower done,  PJ's on, and ready for bed before long. It's been another good day!
Love to all, Ms. Fran & Capn Rod
Lexie with her pretty little pink bows in her hair from the groomer today!! She looks so good!
Supper this evening!!  👍

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