Friday, January 6, 2017

1/5/17 Thursday & 1/6/17 Friday

1/5/17 OK guys, believe it or not we stayed out to late for me to write the blog Thursday night!!! We arrived in South Beach Miami Wed evening and all day Thursday we walked the town seeing all that was here. Well my opinion is IT AINT FOR ME!! Lol  Capn Dave and Angie have been here each winter for several months at a time and they love it!! Be Rod and I just really don't care for the hustle bustle of a large city. We did very much enjoy our time with Dave and Angie we went to see a movie Human Figures (great movie), and spent a lot of time just talking and enjoying each other company.
But because of bad weather coming we made the decision to move on today (Friday) and come on up to Palm Beach where we could be tied to a dock. I do have some pics I took while in South Beach.

1/6/17 Friday
We pulled up anchor this morning to take off around 7am and discovered our anchored had somehow got all tangled and knotted around itself with the chain. We have never had this happen before. I hate I did not get a pic of this episode as it was quiet a sight. It took Rod and I about 30 mins to straighten this out. (Course Rod did the work I was just the support team) Ha
A little foggy this morning but the warm sun soon took care of that. We had a great travel day about 80 miles or so to Palm Beach. This is a very familiar place for us!! We are creatures of habit!!
Lexie got a nice long walk which she very much enjoyed, then we walked the street of Palm Neach for a little exercise. But this is a very busy place on Friday night!! We will make a decision on how long we will stay. Really high winds are predicted the next few days, so weather may change our travel schedule a little.
I pray for all of you with snow!! Stay safe!! And please pray for our travel and the decisions we need to make!!  Love to all, Ms. Fran & Capn Rod
Lexie got a nice long ride in her Limo while in Douth Beach!! She really enjoyed that!!
Theses Hugh iguanas are sitting in trees everywhere!! 
They are 2-3 ft long!!! These are males, hard to get pics of the female as they look just like the trees!!
People in Palm Beach are very resourceful!! This guy had a stroller,with a dog in it, daughter on the back and he pushed riding a hover Board!! He did not mind me asking for a pic!,
The whole family in tow!! Lol riding down the dock where we are staying!,

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